Do you want to reduce your risk of injury and optimize your performance thanks to a simple, powerful and scientifically validated concept?
While this may sound too good to be true, there is one area overlooked by the vast majority of medical staff that can offer all of these benefits: POSTUROLOGY.
Posture is one of the most powerful words you can add to your coaching vocabulary.
For 10 years, my activity has mainly consisted in helping athletes to improve all aspects of their physical form, thanks to, among other things, the management of their postural regulation and the awareness of their Motor Preferences.
How many times have chronic injuries left a key player on the sidelines or prevented a team from achieving its full potential? It is very likely that a lack of postural regulation was a determining factor.
Proper regulation of postural tone is the cornerstone of optimal performance for athletes. It is all a question of BALANCE!
Before you start ordering your athletes to "stand straight" or "keep their shoulders back", it is important to understand the science behind healthy posture. The body works best when its segments are aligned in a neutral and balanced fashion. Nerves flow better, blood flows more efficiently, and muscles work to their full potential.
This position also relieves stress on the joints and the structure of the skeleton.
On the other hand, "bad posture" is ineffective from the biomechanical point of view and can contribute, by compensatory effects, to increasing fatigue, an increase in the risk of injury or even poor performance.
Keep in mind that static posture is the origin of the changing body positions required during sports activities, called dynamic postures.
It is obvious that a person in movement cannot remain upright and aligned during sporting activity, however the first objective will be to establish a healthy and balanced posture in static position.
The body cannot be effective in dynamics if at the origin it sets up strategies of compensation of the static posture !!
Indeed, once the body is comfortable in a neutral position, it is more likely to adopt healthy habits during its movements and to return to a healthy alignment between its dynamic activities.
This equates to better performance and fewer injuries: a winning strategy.
Postural reprogramming takes into account all the useful and necessary sensors for regulating postural tone: eye, foot, vestibule, manducatory system ...
This is why our team relies on professionals who are specialists in each sensor to establish complete programs for global reprogramming.
Beyond the impressive health and performance benefits, improved posture brings a lot to the lives of young athletes. Studies show that first impressions are formed within the first 30 seconds after the encounter, with body language being a determining factor.
A strong and neutral posture can therefore also contribute to:
- Improved appearance
- Increased confidence
- Improved social skills
Conversely, a person with "bad posture" can send a signal of weakness, a contributing factor known to young people who are terrorized by bullies every day. Imagine the social impact!
As a coach, rest assured that improving your athletes' posture is easier than you think. Awareness is the first step to achieving measurable change.
The results of this postural assessment can start to sensitize and motivate your team.
The benefits of good postural tone regulation are immeasurable and positive results can only be achieved through education and awareness.
During my career as a posturologist, I have helped people of all ages and all levels of sport to improve their alignment.
I know from experience that the early detection and treatment of postural deficiencies will reap a lifetime of physical, sporting and social rewards.
Let's reflect together about how we could integrate postural analysis into your next preventive screening cycle, and how to integrate the monitoring of your athletes' postural reprogramming during the sports season.
It will perhaps become the most powerful word in your coaching career: a real "secret weapon".
"1 company = 4 approaches = a multitude of areas for improvement"
1. Posturology
Individual postural study of the sportsperson:
- identification and prioritization of dysfunctional postural inputs causing imbalances and musculoskeletal compensation that can lead to injuries and / or limit performance
- global postural reprogramming of the different spheres:
- foot = orthopedic insoles, physiotherapy, muscle strengthening
- eye = ophthalmology, orthoptics, oculomotor rehabilitation
- eye-foot axis disorder
- manducative / dental = dentistry, osteopathy, orthodontics, lingual rehabilitation ...
- vestibular = osteopathy, vestibular rehabilitation
- visceral = osteopathy, nutrition ...
- psycho-emotional = Neurosensorial Posturotherapy, sophrology, mental coaching ...
- proprioceptive dysfunctions = Informative Manual Therapy
- external parasites (glasses, braces, shoes ...)
- organic disorders (LLD, Flat Foot, Hollow Foot, Valgus ...)
2. Motor Preferences
Study of the preferential motor skills of the sportsperson according to the Action Types and Volodalen method, in order to define their preferential profile and their motor skills.
Objectives: work on the strong points related to:
- the physical aspect (Physical preparation, Muscle Strengthening, Kinesitherapy, Podiatry, Osteopathy ...)
- technique = sporting movement (advice, exercises ...)
- tactics (positioning, associations ...)
Opportunity to work on team cohesion and the identification of collective strengths and weaknesses.
Possibility to establish a collective mapping: to identify positive and negative associations (work in twos, threes ...)
3. Cognitive Preferences
Cognitive approach of the sportsperson and the team based on the MBTI approach, close to Motor Preferences thanks to the work of the company Action Types.
- How to speak to a player, to a group?
- What are the motivations and expectations of each?
- How to motivate the player? Whether to push the player negatively?
- Define its executives, its "followers" and develop a group hierarchy?
- Establish cognitive working groups ....
Hypnotherapy - Positive visualisation - Stress management - Athlete Sophrology
Upstream of each motor skill hides a reflex. The non-integration of some of them can be a brake on the relaxation and the effectiveness of the sporting action and therefore influence the performance of the sportsman.
But it can also create imbalances, tensions and be a primary cause of a disruption in the regulation of postural tone, and therefore be a source of injury.