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Our team


DAvid mongeot

Sports Podiatrist, C.E.O


Podiatrist by training, after ten years of monitoring of High Level athletes and different specialities within postural care and motor skills monitoring, I decided to link all my knowledge to develop a technique for taking overall care of the sportsperson.

In order to guarantee the greatest efficiency, I keep myself informed of the latest techniques and developments in neuroscience and I rely on the latest research in postural reprogramming.

My only goal :



pascale maitro

Sports Sophrologist 

Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist, I have always placed emotional control at the base of my care.

Like any person, an athlete cannot be efficient and successful if he has to constantly fight with his emotions.

Sports performance is a source of stress and the management of this stress is the key to optimal sports performance, because stress can be positive for those who know how to manage it .....

My objective :

Helping you to find the keys to your success

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